Salsa Marrakesh Review: Are These Bikes Right For You?

The ability to maintain balance under a heavy load, sturdy frames, and adaptability to different terrains are some of the most important traits a touring bike should have. In this Salsa Marrakesh review, we’re going to examine the capacity of these bikes to handle the weight and keep a cyclist comfortable.

Marrakesh is Salsa’s line of world touring bicycles composed of several models that have slightly different features.… Read more

Freewheel vs Cassette: What’s the Difference?

Freewheel vs Cassette

How fast your bicycle can go depends on several factors including the rear hubs. Our Freewheel vs Cassette comparison will help you determine which type of hub is the right fit for your bicycle.

Despite having very little in common, these terms are often used interchangeably which further contributes to the confusion surrounding these two types of rear hubs.

The easiest way to differentiate between Cassette and Freewheel hubs is to check the year when the bicycle was manufactured since bikes produced before 1990 usually have Freewheel hubs.… Read more

Surly Troll Review: Does It Meet Your Cycling Needs?

Surely Troll Review

Staying on or off the road for days or weeks is impossible if you can’t carry all the gear and supplies you might need. In this Surly Troll review, we’re going to take a look at all the reasons why this bike is such a popular option for bicycle touring.

Like most bikes built for this purpose, the Surly Troll has a relatively lightweight but sturdy frame that can carry huge loads.Read more

Thousand Helmet Review: Is It Right for Your Needs?

Thousand Helmet Review

Reducing your ecological footprint or staying fit are some of the most obvious benefits of cycling to work, but it is paramount to stay safe while moving through the city on a bicycle. In this Thousand helmet review, we’re going to take a closer look at the brand’s models and their ability to safeguard cyclists.

Unlike mountain bike helmets that are designed to absorb strong impacts and prevent head injury, helmets for commuter bikers are often more aesthetic than functional.… Read more